A Piece of Me

Tyler is from a small town in swampy Georgia. He grew up around Long Pond on Long Farms, on Long Rd. Being the rainbow sheep of the family, while the other boys went hunting, Tyler was busy pretending to practice his double toe loop/triple axel. As an animal lover with obnoxious sun sensitivities and an aversion to dirty hands, Tyler was ill-equipped for life on the farm. 

Instead, Tyler used books to escape and developed a love for stories and a fascination with storytelling.

After two years at the University of Georgia where he studied Poli Sci he left to pursue his other passion; beauty and aesthetics. He spent double-digit years mastering the art of hair color and client management in luxury beauty. 

Having reached all his goals, Tyler’s attention returned to his original love of the written word. He found Dad, packed his shit and moved to Denver to dive headfirst into the world of advertising.